The Great Gear Hunt

The Great Gear Hunt

To celebrate the Galveston Steampunk Festival Downtown businesses will hide an unique large gear in their business for customers to find as part of the Great Gear Hunt. When you find the gear, you will receive a prize and discount from the participating business, and a discount on your Festival entry. The full list of participating businesses is coming soon.


     Details for entry:

  1. Find The Great Gear in a participating business
  2. Post a picture of you holding the GEAR inside the place of business you found the gear
  3. Tag correctly the Galveston Steampunk Festival and the participating Business in all your posts. Be sure to also use the hashtags #GSF2023 #GalvestonSteampunkFestival
  4. Contact the festival at for an evaluation of your submitted picture and social media posts to collect prizes.
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